The Weather Man

The Weather Man (2005)

The Weather Man (2005)

Sam – We actually watched The Weather Man on this TBS time slot before we started IRBW so this is sort of a repeat, but not for you guys!  This film defies the normal movie math which is very simple; Nicholas Cage = ungood.  Though I still have a hard time listening to his voice, it’s actually one of the better movies we’ve seen.  Nicholas Cage’s character is a bit too true to life and makes me a bit uncomfortable.  On the other hand, the actor that plays his daughter almost steals the best acting award away from Michael Caine… almost.  Favorite line of the movie; “Why did you get hit with a Frosty? What is a Frosty?”

Tim – I actually really like Nicolas Cage, but he certainly has chosen to be in a whole bunch of films lately that I do not want to see. It was the Wickerman remake when I decided he had gone into a territory I wasn’t interested in exploring. But, Weatherman is a really good movie, and Cage OWNS this role as a weirdly awkward adult unwilling to accept responsibility for pretty much anything. Watch it!

Things said during movie (not-review):

I heard a Polish exchange student once give a definition of what a tampon was for that was just as wrong as the daughter’s definition of what a ‘Camel Toe’ was.”

Step Up

Step Up (2006)

Step Up (2006)

Sam – The classic story about a mentally challenged janitor at a performing arts school that solves an instructor’s very complicated dance equation and eventually likes “dem apples”.  Wonderfully horrible.

Tim – Tanning Chatum dances better than he G.I. Joes.

Things said during movie (not-review):

“We’re seriously not going to turn this off?

Published in: on August 28, 2009 at 9:42 am  Comments Off on Step Up  
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Man of the House (Disney)

Man of the House (1995)

Man of the House (1995)

Sam – Its a rare treat when we get a film here at IRBW that deals with child molestation.  Or in this case, a movie about a child (JTT) that is abusively taking sexual advantage of his step-father to be (Chevy Chase).  It was pretty hard to watch, considering that this was the director’s cut of the movie which TBS got special clearance from the FCC to air.  There were numerous commercial warnings that this was going to be graphic and that we were to use our discretion as viewers.  But let’s be honest, when presented with that warning, it’s almost a guarantee that people will watch whatever it is then.  I just found it really hard to believe Chevy Chase as the victim in this movie.  How hard is it (no pun intended) to get a 12 year old off (no pun intended) of you?  I’m sorry, I just don’t “buy” children forcing themselves on grown men movies (pun definitely intended).

Tim – For me the most incomprehnsible thing in this film besides the movie, is that Disney didn’t create a theme park ride based on it. Who wouldn’t want to thrill to the 3-D adventures of George Wendt and his crew of quirky friends as they blast through the universe to the unusual but strangely endearing tones of Enya? I ask you sir, WHO!!?

Things said during movie (not-review):

“I will not be your friend, Coca-Cola.  You can go fuck yourself. I will however, drink your energy drink.

Published in: on August 27, 2009 at 2:27 pm  Comments Off on Man of the House (Disney)  
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The Truman Show

The Truman Show (1998)

The Truman Show (1998)

Sam – One of Jim Carrey’s first “serious” roles and he did it beautifully.  This movie was pretty well done and was something that was revolutionary at the time.  The Truman Show was released right as people were becoming aware as to how much reality television was taking over our lives and ultimately showed us what was not too far off.  Showing an unsuspecting person’s life from birth to death 24/7.  The film gets across that we are definitely a self destructive civilization and makes you feel a bit uncomfortable while sitting in a movie theater or say at a conference table watching this while working.  Also released right around this time was Ed TV, a similar movie that showed an aware participant in a 24/7 reality TV show and how it affected his life and the lives of those around him.  The fact that these two were released right around the same time just shows that the realization point for those of us captivated by reality TV came right around 1996, four years after The Real World had it’s first season and two years before Survivor began.  Though we’re well aware how negative an effect reality TV has on us, its still one of the most profitable and popular forms of television out there.  Just having to not pay actors and writers and set designers is going to keep reality TV well over traditional dramas and sitcoms for the foreseeable future.  I assume a sequel to the Truman Show would be about the dangers of tweeting…

Tim – This film also stars Paul Giamatti back when he was a short, dumpy neurotic looking character actor, before he became a short, dumpy neurotic looking leading man.

Josh – N/A

Things said during movie (not-review):

“Those Snicker Ice Cream Bar commercials don’t make sense!!

Crocodile Dundee (three-peat)

We watched Role Models instead.  It’s really good.

Published in: on August 26, 2009 at 9:58 am  Comments Off on Crocodile Dundee (three-peat)  

Just Friends

Just Friends (2005)

Just Friends (2005)

Sam – This movie was a LOT better than it was given credit (or gross earnings) for.  Don’t get me wrong, guy gets the girl at the end, but that’s about the only standard part of this movie.  Ryan Reynolds in a fat suit?!  Yes!  I can only hope that the Deadpool movie has flashbacks of fat Wade in high-school.  Big plus with Chris Klien as a jerk and I have to hand it to Anna Farris, she isn’t afraid to make the most of any role she’s given.  I would actually buy this frickin movie if I had money!  I’ve loved frickin Ryan Reynolds ever since he was on Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place and even the lesser known, Two Guys and a Girl. And for those of you that are big frickin Firefly and Serenity fans that show also had Nathan Fillion as the main love interest for “Girl”.  Frickin A.

Tim – A pretty by the book approach to a rom-com, except that Ryan Reynolds and Anna Farris act their asses off. Seriously, Hollywood, put Anna Farris in more movies. Any movie really. I’ve already gotten my wish for more Ryan Reynolds in film, as he appears to be in everything for the next six months. Let’s work on that Anna Farris wish then, eh?

Josh – N/A

Allen Moore (Special Guest reviewer) – I agree Tim, more Anna Farris movies! I have to say, after watching it for only the second time I am still impressed. Brought back so many memories of being the once fat-and-friendly guy, to the now hot/rich guy (OK, so I maybe fibbed about the rich part). Hilarious friggin movie.

Things said during movie (not-review):

“I don’t know what I did but I’m really sore in my glutes.

You, Me and Dupree

You Me And Dupree (1996)

You Me And Dupree (2006)

Sam – I’m going to quit doing reviews. These guys are a million times better than anything I could do. But as my send off, we had You, Me and Dupree.  I was a bit shocked to see this movie already in TBS purgatory as I thought it was just yesterday I was groaning about seeing commercials with Owen Wilson on a toilet.  But apparently it came out three years ago.  Man, time flies when you’re watching really bad movies.  So from what I could piece together it seems that Owen Wilson’s character, Dupree was an unwanted, yet lovable house guest that was slightly causing headaches for Matt Dillon and Kate Hudson.  There’s a fire, some butter and without fail, Dupree is hit by a car while rounding the corner on a bike.  What a way to end the week.

Tim – Yeah, didn’t catch much of this flick over our three hour conversation about everything wrong with the G.I. Joe film. So, um…watch You, Me and Dupree instead if G.I. Joe and have less to talk about.

Allen Moore (INVITED Special Guest reviewer) – You, Me and Dupree… Starring Johny Drama’s brother (Matt Dillon), Jackie Chan’s sidekick (Owen Wilson) and Penny Lane (Kate Hudson).  When the title sounds more interesting then the movie actually is, there’s definitely a problem.

Sean Dove (Special Guest Brat) – Man I got You, Me and Dupree mixed up with Drillbit Taylor. I kept waiting for him to start beating up kids…

Things said during movie (not-review):

“Even though it’s like four times removed, it’s Liz’s favorite story that I tell.”

Published in: on August 21, 2009 at 4:57 pm  Comments Off on You, Me and Dupree  
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Feeling Minnesota

Feeling Minnesota (1996)

Feeling Minnesota (1996)

Sam – I got up feeling so down today and was hoping for a good (non-rerun) movie.  I turned it on and even though it starred Keanu and Cameron (and I felt a bit as if TBS sold out) I kept the movie rolling.  But honestly the story’s getting old now and it’s almost as if I just looked in the mirror and… things aren’t looking so good.  So now you know, I am the one who gets mystified when they show me the “power child” in movies, though I’d like to say that I’m down on my knees today BEGGING for a comedy instead of these relationship drama movies.  It actually gives me the butterflies and sort of gives me away when I’m sad and I get to watch an old-ish comedy.  At least until I’m up on my feet again.  I don’t know, I guess I’m just feeling outshined in the whole “review” thing.  Someone really should let the big dogs out of Hollywood and just show you where the truth is. There are so many good movies without a Hollywood budget, but I guess the grass is always greener where the indie movie dogs are shedding the stigma of big budgets.   Honestly now I’m sorta feeling that I’m sober now, after the movie is over, though I’m drinking.   But truth be told this movie made me realize that as a reviewer I can’t get any lower though every day that I come in this office and turn on the TV to see what TBS has in store for me I feel as though I AM sinking.  There are a few gems here and there, but this movie was not one of them.  So now you know what ACTUALLY gets me mystified with these movies where it’s not worth watching (IRBW) yet it’s not even bad enough to put into the “Worst IRBW Movie category”, which in itself is depressing.  I’m feeling outshined by Tim’s reviews lately.  And I’m sure even though my reviews look “California” to those of you that don’t know me, trust me, I’m actually, feeling Minnesota…  Oh yeah!

Tim – The older I get the more the line “Looking California and Feeling Minnesota” means “Looking shiny and good in print but actually desperately unhappy and strung out because I’m not getting any more work so I haven’t eaten anything but wheat grass and diet pills in three weeks, and feeling cold but surrounded by beautiful scenery and forward thinking Midwestern liberals.”  Anyway, a sort of jumbled movie which suffers from having Courtney Love in a cameo, and trying to present Keanu Reeves as a Minnesotan.

Josh – N/A

Things said during movie (not-review):

“I wish that squirrel was wearing a hat.”

Forces of Nature (three-peat)

Once, twice… three times a lady.

Published in: on August 19, 2009 at 2:16 pm  Comments Off on Forces of Nature (three-peat)  


Clueless (1995)

Clueless (1995)

Sam – So many good parts to this movie.  Though I’ve seen this thing like at least 10 times, I didn’t remember at all what happened at the end of this, (SPOILER) the teachers get married and we’re shown step-incest.  Easily one of my top 1000 movies of 1995.

Tim – Some how missed this one, though it came out my last year of high school. so I assume I was busy humping and  watching reservoir Dogs repeatedly. Or, more likely, I was working at Burger King. In any case, had a bit of a nostalgic twinge for this one, and really enjoyed Alicia Silverstone’s performance. And, as a policy, I will like anything with Paul Rudd in it. Yes, ANYTHING.

Josh – N/A

Things said during movie (not-review):

“How old was Paul Rudd when this was filmed?”
